Archive for November, 2010

M1/52 skull on the For Sale site

The skull for sale is a repro, a good one but still a repro. Compare with this original.

Attachment 154165Attachment 154164
Click to enlarge the picture

Need help! SS Deutschland collar tabs, real or fake?

Hey Ade or Bob, i really need some help here with these tabs and time is of great importance !!!!!!! Are these tabs the real deal in your opinions. or repros? Thanks so much, i trust you guys to the fullest !!!!
Click to enlarge the picture

KM Cap Tallies (Mützenband)

Attachment 154161

just a few ………….. of the many

E ~

Click to enlarge the picture


LW 3cm aircraft ammo box

KM S-Boat document

Attachment 154157

very clean document to a former member of S-176.

Click to enlarge the picture


WWI Austrian?

Hello all, new guy here. I was scouring the web for some information on my grandfather’s war knife and you all seemed very knowledgeable so I thought I’d seek out your opinions.

My grandmother recently passed away and in her things I found my grandfather’s war knife (as it was descirbed by her previously). He had fought for Austria/Hungary or possibly Germany in WWI.

I looked at pictures of other knives on the web and it did not look like any of them- however the sheath is an exact match of some of the German stuff out there. The knife fits perfectly into the sheath, and the colors and wear seem to match as well.

What do you guys think? Thanks.

Wanted u.s. Tec sgt. Sleeve rank

Hi ,Just picked up this "IKE" jacket and need a wool tec sgt sleeve rank,has a light purplish color,if no single ranks out there,i would consider a pair.
Thanks……….. Dave Howerdel………sadolch@optonline.netAttachment 154136

Click to enlarge the picture



Russian war stamps

Like to show some of my Russian stamps printed before and during the war,really cool stuffcool militaria

Click to enlarge the picture






Enfield No. 1 Mk III* stock disc wanted

I’m looking for a stock disc for my 1917 project gun. I would like to find one from a unit that saw combat in WWI. Can anyone help or steer me in he right direction?

Allgemeine SS Kepi , new pictures is it a fake or not?

I posted this one before but the pictures were taking in the evening.
I promised to post new ones to examine.
I got an answer that the maker is also abused for repro’s
Please give me your opinion about this one.
Ade was thinking of a repro….(it sweatband looks a bit untouched)….first impressions can be very good.

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