Ww1 ek2
thanks for your help!
p.s. seller says ring is stamped "KO"
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
Thought I would share my two Favourite Aussie Items, apart from my own issue items I kept.
Here are two WW1 rising suns, with the "slider" type clip in the back. These are commomnly called "Light Hiorse" issue but were not restricted to issue to Light Horse units only. Other type have the little ring clips on them. Also shown are two "Returned from Active Service" badges for WW1. They were given to Veterans after the war. This practice still continues, though the badge design has changed. Soldiers who have returned from Active service recieve one, and it usually worn when medals are not required at a function or some such. The other badges are "Returned and Services League", similar to the VFW or Legion, membership badges. The large one is original from 1919 with a 1920 year badge applied to it. these small badges were added each year and showed that the member had paid his dues for the year. Theis pratice continued until the 1990’s but has been discontinued. the other 3 smaller ones are the size that was adoptedafter 1920 and still in place today. the 1919 badge has 2 figures of a sailor and a soldier, as it was originaly called the "returned sailors and soldier imperial league" over the years a Airforce figure was added and the name changed to the RSL. A fourthn figure was added in the 1990’s to include the nurses and the name was changed again to the "Returned and Services League" to reflect the change in focus to include all service personel regardless of overseas service. Each badge is individualy numbred to the soldier and technicaly remain the property of the RSL. A lot of them find their way in medal shops. I have contacted the RSL ref these particular badges, as I think it would be nice to see if the family wants them back!
Picked these up for $40. I am waiting for my new SA shirt and am hoping to add these buttons to it.
they are all marked with RZM and M5/272
Sorry if the pics don’t sho a lot!