“Double” Maker Marked HJ Buckles
Looking forward to seeing more examples and to include duplications (I think duplications may be very important), however for the moment at least, no single maker marked HJ buckles.
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
Looking forward to seeing more examples and to include duplications (I think duplications may be very important), however for the moment at least, no single maker marked HJ buckles.
Thank you
I am new to this forum… so first and foremost hi guys !
I would really appreciate your thoughts on the below 3 dog tags. I have a couple of questions…
1) Are they genuine or fake ?
2) The owner claims that all 3 were dug up at German positions in Stalingrad, thus implyign all 3 units fought at the battle. I have looked on the net and cannot see any documentation to support this. Any thoughts ?
I would really appreciate your help.
Cheers Carl.