U.s items
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Last U.S. WWI veteran seeks DC memorial - U.S. news - Life - Military - msnbc.com
Is there any way we can support this? I think it would be really nice to have a WWI memorial in D.C. Who exactly should I be writing letters to?
It looks like the studiophoto is a postcard. Was it common to make postcard out of studiocards? So they could send it home etc.? Or is it a propaganda made postcard?
Attachment 155026Attachment 155029Attachment 155021Attachment 155030Attachment 155032Attachment 155023
a friend of mine got this nice badge, came with another nice stuff. But is this a original?
Best regards,
I recognise the party badge and what I guess is a hat or cap eagle but the other two badges I can’t place. (the one at the top looks hand made of wood?)
Can anyone help with (a) identification (b) authenticity and (c) estimate of worth?
Many thanks in advance.
I thought I woudl both share it with you… and ask for your thoughts on it. The seller is wanting 85 USD for it, and I feel it is a poigniant reminder of the betrayal of the 6th Army in Stalingrad by Hitler.
Below is the narrative that accompanied it….. let me know what you think guys:
Authentic German WWII: Red Round Permit to Fly out of the Stalingrad Pocket. It was found at Gumrak. This permits to leave the besieged 6th German Army by means of airplane. Were issued only to hard wounded soldiers, and also in special cases of subordinates to approval of the high command. There were two types of such permits - the first in the form of a rhombus, the second was round, such as you see on a photo. Made from steel. Because of time lead to the ground, the exhibit has a little rusted, but still in a good condition, with a lot of an original red paint on both sides. Stalingrad permits were painted in different colors: red for wounded, white - for the other reasons (For example evacuation of the valuable military staff), yellow (round) - give out in case of heavy illness (Especially Rare!). Size of tag 40mm.
Any thoughts on it guys ? It really does sound plausible.
Here is my first thread on this Forumcool militaria This was in the bottom of a seabag all crushed and smelling like mildew from almost 10′ feet away. Soaked it in cold water and let it dry on a hat wring and it came out holding its original form. Including the eight prongs at the corners. Original owner’s name can just be seen on the brim, Bock. Lost the mildew smell as well. All comments welcome….
Semper Fi