Archive for November, 2010

Early War leitz

An early war set of leitz , company logo on the left prism top and the kriegsmarine eagle on the right side .

The tops are copper and the eagle is intact but a real so and so to try and photograph.
Coverings are good almost 100% , eye cups bakalite coated in rubber , the left eye cup ( bakalite liner) is completely gone but it still has shape.
A bit dirty and dusty inside but no separation, lens are not coated.

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new 25 feet hj banner

hello just wanted to show my new banner its just over 25 feet long

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Part Of My Just Curled Up And Died Inside. :(

Need help! Researching this photo

Thank You for taking the time to read my question. Is it possible to find out the actions of the unit in this photo. Ive been trying with no luck. I also have other photos of the man whom it belonged to and was wondering if i could find out where his company was located? hopefully the picture helps. thanks again

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SS EM late war Overhoff Original v Fake

Guys I will create this one over time, there are that many its unreal as you will eventually see. Originals to the left or on top.

25 panzerkampabzeichen badge,,,good or bad???

auction time again,,,opinions and comments welcome on this item’s authenticity…

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Gebirgsjäger WW2 Axehead Cover ?

Hello Everyone,
Picked this up, what I was told is a Gebirgsjäger WW2 axehead cover and the maker G.Kieffer - München a well-known leather ware supplier to the Gebirgsjäger. The firm is still in business makes saddles & horse tack, etc. I was wondering if any Gebirgsjäger equipment collectors out there have a similar piece ? Still uncertain if indeed mine WW2 period.

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Eisernes Kreuz 1 - this one looks real

Can someone please confirm whather this is a real EK1 and would $180 be a fair price?

Al Craig,Attachment 155104Attachment 155105

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does this dagger look legit

hey guy i was just wondering if this dagger is original or not. looking for advice from experienced collectors.

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SS-VT button fake or not?

Good evening,
I would like your opinion about this ss button.
For me he looks good but…:confused:
Thank you very much for your answers,

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