Archive for November, 2010

Wool Collar tab. Please PM me if interested. $45

Please contact me privately if more photographs or info is needed. I prefer Paypal or money order. Shipping and fees included.
Thank you for looking. Steven L Faulkner

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HYB Hilter Youth Belt and Buckle for Sale. $250 Please PM me

Please contact me privately if more photographs or info is needed. I prefer Paypal or money order. Shipping and fees included.
Thank you for looking. Steven L Faulkner

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WWI Kriegsmarine visor - opinions needed

I do not collect a lot of German WWI items because I’m afraid of getting ripped off. But I have a large US WWI collection and I would like to have some German items. I found this Kriegsmarine hat for sale. To me it looks to good to be true. The condition is excellent for something that is supposed to be almost 100 years old. However, I have an US Indian Service tunic that is in excellent condition because it was unissued so I don’t want to pass on this hat if it is authentic.
Thanks in advance for your opinions!

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EK2 Hermann Aurich - Dresden

Selling some of my duplicates. This nice maker marked ‘113′ is first up.

95 Euros inc paypal fees and postage

Paypal only please

Many thanks


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Waffen SS Wehrpass and Documetns !!

Attachment 155307Attachment 155308Attachment 155309Attachment 155310Attachment 155311Attachment 155312

SS Wehrpass and Documents

Documents to a late war SS Pz Gren unit which, shows that he was the Recipient of the Infantry Asssault Badge in Bronze dating from 17/10/1944 .Shows service through Waffen SS Training units until joining combat unit on 1/9/1944.

Wehrpass to Manfred Arno Buttner,an SS Panzer Grenadier with SS Pz Gren Regt “Schill” which became SS Pz Gren Regt 86 part of 32 SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Div “ 30 Januar “.

Buttner was born on 27/3/1927 and was awarded the Infantry Assault Badge on 17/10/1944 . Hospital in July / August 1944 in SS Feldlazarett in Prague due to Hepatitis .Wehrpass contains photo in civilian clothes and the staples in the central spine are rusted through but all detail of the pass is still in good condition and can be read easily

Personal data sheet issued when transferred from Basic training to SS Panzer Gren Regt Schill ,A4 size issued March 1944

SS Stammkarte , personal data record from the unit files.

Price 220 Euros

Please contact me for more photos of the Wehrpass !!
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Waffen SS Documents !!

Attachment 155304Attachment 155305Attachment 155306

Document for wound badge in black issued by Head Doctor in Rear Hospital to member of 11 Kompanie SS Regt 11 for a wound on 6/7/1941 near to Beresina , Russia.

Comes with certificate of Discharge at the end of the war at the discharge centre of 1st US Infantry Div ( The Big Red One ) showing he was still with the Waffen SS and had reached the rank of SS Hauptscharfuhrer. Initial research with the Wast in Germany shows he passed away in 1995.

Rare document to SS Infanterie Regt 11 which at the time was a component part of 2 SS Panzer Gren Div “ Das Reich “ one of the elite Waffen SS Divisions. SS-Regiment 11, formerly SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 11 was attached to DR on 1st Dec 1940.
This unit was disbanded during Op Barbarrossa in Nov 1941and personnel were absorbed into other Waffen SS Units. This is the only document I have seen to this particular unit.

Price 125 Euros

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EK2 Meybauer

Just added this nice maker marked '7' to my collection.

Hope you like her :)
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SS Belt Buckle

Please Help and let me know if this is original SS belt buckle, don’t know maker mark such as RZM, but do see Ges Gesch?

Thank you


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Interesting SS Picture

Hi guys, at the moment I am looking at the early beginnings of the Freikorp/SA/SS learning about time lines of when each was formed and trying to make sense of when the relevant buckles where introduced. I have just received this book about the "Allgemeine SS" by Robin Lumsden (many thanks Robin if you read this post) and inside is a wonderful picture of what looks like a early standard party wearing a hoch poch of uniforms and belt buckles. Look at the guy on the right and what he is wearing!!!!! Fantastic :)

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Looking for info on some Aussie items

I have 3 items that i’d like to find out more about if anyone can help.
1. Small brown kit bag Aussie but may be WW2 era no markings? any ideas?
2. Leather 1907 Bayonet frog (see PIC for markings on rear "JK")
3. WW1 Swagger Stick missing the end bit, Aussie? 303 Shell is 1913 i think.

Interested in WW1 Diggers


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