Archive for November, 2010

List of Units & Waffenfarbe used in Afrika and the Balkans 1941 - ‘42


Here is another reference for you:
Here is list of units in Afrika and the Balkans: copied from C Evans list, Thanks. 1941-42.

Combat Troops Staff: Waffenfarbe

Generals—Color was Red.
Color is: White.
Army Group Staffs. A.G’s. G,E,F, Staffs.
Army Staffs. Army Group "A" 2,12 Staffs.
Armored Group Staffs. "Afrika."
Korps Stabs. 11th, 30th, 51st, 52nd, 65th, 68th, 69th, 91st.
Reserve Stabs. 59th.
Motorized Korps Stabs. 41st.
Color is Pink.

Armored Army Staffs.
Armored Korps Staffs. 14,40,46.
Color is: Light Green/Grass Green.
Gebirgejager Korps Staffs. 15th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 46th.

Combat Troops–Infantry:
Color is: White.

Infantry Division Staffs.
1st Airlanding (Luftlande) Div Staff.
Assault (Sturm) Division Staffs. Rhodes.
Infantry Regiments. 16 thru 750.
Grenadier Regiments. 754,755.
Reenforcement Bataillons.220, 598,599.
Afrika Division Staff. 90,999.
Motorized Infantry Div Staffs. 16, 60.
Motorized Infantry Regiments Staffs. 60, 92.
Motorized Grenadier Regiment Staffs. 120, 156.
Motorized Regiment Grossdeutschland.
Special Purpose Div (Div zbV) Staffs.
Special Purpose Rgmt (zbV) Staffs.
Fortress Division Staffs. 41, 133, Kreta.
Fortress Btns. 621,622,623.
Fortress Infantry Btns. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,18,19,20,21,22,99 9.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,18,19,20,21,22, 999.
Reserve Division Staffs. 173,187.
Reserve Infantry/Grenadier Rgmts. 17, 45, 130, 231, 462.
Flak Btns.

Color is: Light Green/Grass Green.

Machinegun Battaillons. 2,8.
Gebirgsjager Div Staffs. 1,4,5,6.
Gerbirgs Regiments. 13,85,91,98,99,100,141,143.
Mountain Reinforcement (Feldersatz) Btns. 91,94,95.
Jager Div Staffs. 42,100,104,114,117,118.
Jager Rgmts.25 thru 750.
——————–Various colors.
1 (Sonderverband) 288.
Brandenburg Btns. 1,2,4.
Combat Troops-Mobile: (Schnell Truppen)
Color is: Gold-Yellow:
Mobile Div Staffs.
Motorcycle Recon Btns. 59.
Division Recon (Divisionsaufklarung) Btns. 42 thru 392.
Motorized Recon Btns. 3,5,8,9,33,40,231.
Mountain Recon (Gebirgsaufklarung) Btn. 33.
Div Fusilier Btns. 181,297.
Color is: Pink.

Panzer Div Staffs. 1,2,5,8,9,10,11,14,15.
Panzer Regiments. 1,3,5,7,8,10,15,31,33,36.
Motorcycle Recon Btn. 61.
Armed Recon Btns. 1,3,10,59,90,164,220,999.
Panzerjager Btns. 33,39,90,190,334,605,999,52 thru 392.
Motorized Panzerjager Btns. 4,37,38,43,50,53,90,160,228.
Mountain Anti-tank (Gebirgspanzerjager) Btns. 47,94,95.
Color is: Grass Green.

Motorcycle Recon Btns. 2,8,15,55,59,64.
Motor Rifle Rgmts. 2,8,10,11,13,14,28,103,104,106,110,111,155,304.
Mechanized Panzergrenadier Rgmts. 1,69,86,104,113,115,125,155,200,361,382,433.
Color is: Light Green.

Light Infantry Div Staffs. 90,101.
""""""in Africk Staffs. 90,164.
Light Inf Rgmts. 200,361.
Combat Troops–Artillerie:

Color is: Red.

Artillerie Rgmts. 33,75,155,220,334,999,83 thru 670.
Arty Btns. 361,653,654,661,668,670.
Reserve Arty Btns. 10,96.
Motorized Arty Rgmts. 4,33,74,80,102,116,119,148,160,190.
Gebirgsarty Rgmts. 79,94,95,118.
Panzerarty Rgmts. 33,73,90,155.
Assault Gun (Sturmgeschutz) Btns. 184,190,191.
Army Anti-Aircraft Btns. 299,302.
Neberwerfer Btn 9. —Bordeaux Red.
Combat Troops–Pioneers:

Color is: Black.

Pioneer Btns. 5,71 thru 704, 220,334,900,999.
Reserve Pi Btns. 46,86.
Pi Kompanies. 704,713,714,717,718, (Rhodes).
Gebirgspioneer Btns. 54,91,94,95.
Panzerpioneer (Armored Engineer) Btns. 13,33,37,38,49,59,86,89,200,209,220.
Bau Pi Btn. 85 Color is Light Brown.

Combat Troops–Signals:
Color is: Lemon-Yellow.

Signals Btns. 5,334,999,71 thru 392.
Signals Kps. 704,713,714,717,718 (Rhodes).
Reserve Signals Kp. 1087.
Gebirgenachrichten Btns. 54,91,94,95.
Armored Signals (PanzerNachtrichten) Btns. 4,37,38,77,78,84,85,90,190,200,220,341.

Color is: Yellow-Grey.
Propaganda Kps. Afrika,690,698,
Propagands Btn. Sudost.
Supply Troops:

Color is: Cornflower Blue.

Div Supply. 5,46 thru 887, 190,220,334,999.
Gebirgs Div Supply. 54,91,94,95.
Mot Div Supply. 4,61,66,82,85,160.
Armored Div Supply. 59,60,81.
Supply Btn, 533.
Mot Transport (Kraftwagon) Kps. 33 thru 999 and 4 thru 887.

Again thanks C Evans for all the research that went into this.
Hope this can be of some use…

Question 17./SS Cufftitle

Morning Members,
I want your opinion on this cufftitle. I think the Götz Division wears only BEVO cufftitles,is that right?

Kind Regards

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Question Looking for copy of - Semper Fidelis : dzieje Pulku 6 Pancernego “Dzieci Lwowskich”

Would anyone know where I can find a copy of this publication, it’s out of print to the best of my knowledge and hard to find. Here are the details:

Semper Fidelis : dzieje Pulku 6 Pancernego "Dzieci Lwowskich"
Author: Waldemar Handke
Leszno : Wydawnictwo Instytutu im. gen. Stefana "Grota" Roweckiego, 2006
ISBN: 8392138988
ISBN: 9788392138983
OCLC Number: 84650115

Best regards

Ww1 poilu bronze minature - ‘ on les aura!’

Here is a cast example of the piece i showed in milliput earlier this year . A jeweller friend cast it in Russia . I soldered the base and arm then patinated .

Click to enlarge the picture




Panzer cap for “other ranks”

Hi guys, I thought I would share this recent acquisition. This cap was with another collector for 25 years before he passed it off to me.
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Need help! Looking for A Panzer Wrap Jacket!:eek:

I just wanted to know if anyones had any luck themselves finding Any good reproductions of them. sellers put up only one really bad photo, and i see nothing but cheap material, cheap looking wool and crappy stitching.
If they have give me some tips on what to search for online.
or if anyone is in california, can you please recommend me any shops?

Wehrmannsgewehr Given as a shooting prize

Wehrmannsgewehr Given as a shooting prize cal. 8.15X46R…BILL

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What about all these relic Panther and Tiger parts on eBay ?

very cool… I’ve seen a Panther road wheel, a driver’s hatch, a Tiger loaders hatch, track links, a Tiger tow hook and an assortment of small parts…

Is it rare to find real battle tank parts?

Factory Workers cap badge.

It took me a long time to identify this as a hat pin for a factory worker. Any additional info will be helpfull including authenticity. Thank you all for your efforts. Lee

Attachment 156473Attachment 156472

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2 Pins. Gut? Oder Nett?

Since I dont have the loot to grab anything new for a while I thought I should get around to posting everything I have over a period of time. Also have a ton of research to do that keeps piling up. Here I have 2 pins that I have doubts about because of the hardwear on the reverse (coffin shape?) so I will ask the experts here for your opinions. The party pin is marked M 1/73 which I beleive is
Frank Manert Gablonz a.N. Thanks in advance. Lee

Attachment 156464Attachment 156465Attachment 156468Attachment 156471

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