Archive for November, 2010

Important! juicy couture tracksuits air jordan six rings

two years ago, jordan brand is in the autumn and winter trying to transform its style shoes designed for the boots,juicy couture tracksuits, air jordan spiz’ike winterized,buy chi Editor cold, following earlier this year after which the air jordan six rings made for the new outdoor air jordan six rings winterized boots. Shoes air jordan six rings to retain the body design,pumas shoes Interest rates, with high texture of suede and leather with excellent strength and toughness on the nylon mesh uppers form, and lace buckle boots must also change to iron buckle detail. Outsole for outdoor boots boots necessary for the end of the design with a large,burberry boots Balmain New Jacket, more texture to add a high degree of the whole pair of shoes. In addition to all black models,cheap air jordan, another double-black-khaki-red color is also the first time publicly this back. New air jordan six rings winterized in October for the first time is expected to be published.

RA 1939 helmet

Dear collectors, I wish to submit to your attention my last acquisition: this one should be a british RA camo helmet, with 1939 made liner. The shell’s maker is really faint, covered by the paint.
I’d like to have your appreciated opinion on it…

Attachment 156707Attachment 156708Attachment 156709Attachment 156710Attachment 156711Attachment 156712
Attachment 156713

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Rare Double Eagle Sword

Attachment 156703Attachment 156704Attachment 156705Attachment 156706A seldom seen double eagle sword - the sword which is attrributed to Maker:Emil Voos (see Angolias book ,Swords of Germany, page 126). The sword has the highlighted open wing eagle on the crossgurad and another eagle with its wings down (Heer Pattern)on the knuckle-bow. The grip is brass and has beautiful designs in addition to the eagles.The blade is excellent as is the scabbard - a keeper in the collection.


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American Army Good Conduct Medal

My grandfather was in the British Army and served in Burma with the Chindits.

Among his medals we have an American Army Good Conduct Medal. I know some American personnel were attached to the Chindits, but I’m not sure whether this medal was ever awarded to personnel from the British Army, perhaps if someone had fought in a campaign with an American attachment?

2 new single Ribbon bars

Hi guys.

I just got 2 ribbon bars for the 15 year service in the NSDAP.

They are rare in just a single bar, because they use to be next by the 10 year service bar.
If any other have some of the long service bars, please post them.

Some pics with and without flash of the 2 new and its brothers cool militaria

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Panzerkampfabzeichen und Infanteriesturmabzeichen

I’m getting better at naming these German badges. cool militaria

What are your opinions on these two badges fellow colelctors? Note that the PAB has a cut-out swastika and the IAB has a strange pin and catch assembly I have never seen before.

LIke always, the help I get at this forum is greatly appreciated.


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Very large NSDAP Banner

Hi, iv been in contact with the owner of this banner and he tells me its original and came from austria.
What do you think of it?
What would be the right price?

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Ek2 l/11

This one is also my first LDO EK2. I hope everything checks out with it. In the meantime Im going back to collecting Imperial Crosses until I learn a bit more about TR Crosses. Of coarse if I come across any at a Flömarkt I will have to pick them up but after I obtain a bit more knowledge and start back up I will be sure to post any I intend to buy here first. VG, Lee

Attachment 156664Attachment 156663Attachment 156665

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SS doble decal REAL or FAKE??

Hi all!! just a quick question:
This helmet looks like a real one or a copy?
thankssss!! cool militaria
Attachment 156661
Attachment 156660
Attachment 156659
Attachment 156662

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Need help! 5.SS Ring-Authentic?

I purchased this 5th SS Wiking ring and was wondering how to authenticate it? Are there services out there? What is your opinion? It looks in great condition and the seller said it was authentic but never issued to a soldier.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

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