Archive for September, 2010

Need help! three more badges.

hi guys,

not all of the badges fitted in one thread. Here are the last three badges:

first one a airship badge marked: ce juncker berlin.
second one a ek first class marked: ko
the last one is an unknown badge by my knowledge.

greetings eddy.

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mg42 original or postwar ??? please help me

Hello everyone, I ask your help to see if this is the original German WW2 MG42. or not.
has waffenamt trademarks. but did not accept numbers below.
a particular thing does not have the adapter for insertion into the antiaircraft sight.
Unfortunately I only have these photos available
thanks for your helpAttachment 144315Attachment 144322Attachment 144321Attachment 144320Attachment 144319Attachment 144318Attachment 144317Attachment 144314Attachment 144316Attachment 144323Attachment 144324
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Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse

here i thought i would show another i bought at the same time as the 11, nice and shiney maker 13 ek2 it only has a short piece of ribbon to it :( but is a nice cross :)


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Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse

hi guys thought i would show one of my last ek’s its a maker marked 11 for grossman and co.

hope yous like it cool militaria


Click to enlarge the picture






Small Spange

Small [1"] Private spange of EKII - EKI - Frontkampfer- Black wound badge.

Will sell or trade
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What I plan to do in my vacation next week…

As you might not know, the last couple months i have been trying to find any information about a German plane that was shot down during the war and crashed on an island called "Toska"(Which happens to be my homeplace). Next week which is my fall vacation i will use most of my time digging up the remains of the plane(Depending on the weather) and gathering information from eyewitnesses. When I get back i will make a detailed thread about my finds and what information i gathered.

PS: Here are some of my finds from the summer vacation:

German planecrash 1945 pictures by colletorww2 - Photobucket

NSB pin

Nice NSB pin
SCR maker on back.

Make offer or trade
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Pin 14th waffen-Grenadier_division

Small 6 x 6mm pin from presumably the 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (galizische Nr. 1)

Make offer or trade.

Attached Images


Search help

I am trying to find my old posts by user name but I can only find my latest post which I made a few days ago, how do I search by user name.

Thanks z4

New Hat WH

This is my new hat WH, age is noticed but the price was 250 Eur you think?
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