I was out of town this weekend at the in-laws. We went to breakfast this morning and passed a estate sale sign. So on the way back we had to stop. I talked to the guy who was having the sale and he stated that he had a couple small items from the war in -side. He went inside and came out with this little lot along with a couple other bags .cool militaria. So I had to buy them. Gary
Hi everybody! i need your help to determine if this helmet is good or fake, i’m not an expert, but i don’t like too much the ss decal.. looks suspicious..
what do you think? real or fake? Attachment 144432 Attachment 144430 Attachment 144431
Thanksss!!!cool militaria
Hi chaps can someone please tell me what this ribbon is please? I thought it might be the westwall ribbon at first but it looks to yellow to be that??