Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
Just found these interesting photo’s on the EnglishRussia website that has featured here before. I’ve never seen any of them previously myself and think they deserve a wider audience. There’s a couple of AT rifles like the ones shown here recently, and a pretty (Deadly, i’m bettin’!) sniper. I hope you enjoy them as much as i did.
English Russia Faces Of World War II
Cheers, militaria
I have a German trenchknife which i think is a WW1. Can anyone help identify it? I have a small boy in the house and dont feel happy so may sell it. Does anyone know how much it is worth please?
The first two are British helmets I believe, but other than that not a clue on the date or use.
Other than knowing that of the rest one was picked up in Thailand, the Somme and one has a Swedish coat of arms I literally know nothing about their origins.
Anything that can be useful would be much appreciated; era, type, country of origin, value if any etc.
Cheers in advance.