Archive for May, 2010

For sale: SA SS HJ German Uniforms - tobacco collection album / complete with 240 cards

I offer a very scarce and wanted collection album:

Album No. 5 by Sturm-Zigaretten-Fabrik
with 240 full-color pictures and a lot of information about the Nazi-organisations

shipping as registered sending, payable via PayPal, Moneybookers, bank wire
If you need more pictures, send me an Email



Zigarettensammelbilderalbum DEUTSCHE UNIFORMEN SA SS HJ - Album V Sturm-Zigaretten-Fabrik

Das Sammelalbum enthält eine weitgefächerte Übersicht von Uniformen/Flaggen/Ränge/Funktionen NS-Organsisationen SA, SS und HJ aus den Gauen mit farbigen Bildern sowie Beschreibungen.
mit Bild und Rede des Reichsführers A.H.
Es handelt sich hier selbstverständlich um ein originales Zigarettensammelbilderalbum sowie Originalbilder.
Selten und gesucht. Für Kenner und Interessierte der Zeitgeschichte ist dieses Nachschlagewerk ein üppiger Schatz.
Herausgeber: "Sturm"-Zigaretten-Fabrik Dresden
Literatur-Bearbeitung: Oberführer von Carlshausen, Oberste SA-Führung, München
Bilder-Originale: Militärmaler Herbert Knötel d.J., Berlin
Text- und Zeichnungen: Kunstmaler Martin Claus, Dresden
Das Album ist komplett, mit allen Seiten und allen 240 Bildern. Der Einband ist sehr sauber der Innenteil ist in einem sehr gutem Gebrauchtzustand, die Sammelbilder sind sauber eingeklebt und in sehr gutem Zustand.

Der Papp-Schuber ist sehr schön erhalten.

Versand nur innerhalb Europa

Weitere Bilder gerne auf Anfrage. Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen bitte Email an mich über das Kontaktformular.

Third Reich and Nazi related items

Bidders are only admitted under the condition that they purchase the offered item, only for educational purposes, protection against illegal and subversive aims, for scientific and art historical research, the education and reporting regarding historical events, or military history and uniform research

Help Wanted to ID a Heer Leutnant multiple Panzerknacer, RK, German Cross in Gold with a dodgy left eye

G'day All,
I've got a photo of a Heer Leutnant (at least he looks like a Leutnant, photo is a little over-exposed on his epaulettes) with the RK, German Cross in Gold, Gold/Silver wound badge (I'd say Gold, looking at his left eye - the staring one ...hmmm... to tell the truth can't work out which eye of his is dodgy!), multiple Panzerknacker abzeichen (can see 3 so would assume that this is all he had at this point, else the photographer would have included the others), EK1, EK2 etc.

Any ideas on who this chap might be? I've been trolling through the various websites which hold RK winners (at Leutnant level) and have been using the info on this page, but would love to know if somebody can positively ID him :-)

BTW: In case you can't access the URL through this post, the direct link to the photo is http://www.brisbanemilitarycollectab...2010%20060.jpg


Set for sale: Vietnam militaria store - directly from Saigon!

Hi all,

We are a network of Militaria Antique dealers in business since 1999, specializing in Vietcong, Northern Vietnam and ARVN equipments.

Please visit us at and let me know what you think since we are online only for several months

Thanks and God bless!


Blatant fake for sale to the gullible

Another wopper fake for sale on uk ebay .guy describes it as being picked up in Berlin when he was in army,yea the salvation 30043101898.double decal ss fakerony.dont drop your wallet in this guys vicinity.notcool

M35 before and after

Hi guys,Went to a friends house today to remove the paint on my relic M35, I was happy when I found some remaining original paint under that ugly repaint no decals on it thought :( I think I found out the size on it also, I think its a 36 or 38, Can anyone list the regular sizes for german helmets? also could anyone explain the brass or copper filling in the center of the helmet?

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ss vertical hanger

hi,was wandering if this looks original and how much they go for?thanks

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luft shirt and police shirt /

hi,how much is the going price on these two well marked on the shirt?thanks guys is one harder to find then the other?

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Luftwaffe & Police sports vests

hi,how much is the going price on these two well marked on the shirt?thanks guys is one harder to find then the other?

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Question Please help me identify this 8mm rifle

This was a gun left to me by my late father. I would like to identify it's origin and have taken several photos of markings made on it. I do know it has been or is reported to have been sporterized. I intend to have it's serviceability evaluated by a gunsmith and clean years of dirt from it. I know it has not been fired in at lease 30 years.

Panzer wrap, real or fake?

Here is Panzer wrap i know for sale, any ideas if this real or fake? The owner says yes, but like i have heard here, believe the item, not the story. Any help would be great ! Thanks !

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