Archive for February, 2010

Need help! 44 cvl matched Dress 84/98 bayonet set?

Hi Gents
I've never seen such a shiny 84/98 bayonet set before.I was told it's a for dressing one.Please inspect it for me thanks.

1.Matched markder: 44 cvl, 5176a
2.Only one like "WaA519" marker on flashguard was marker on pommel.
3.marker on frog like RFN 0/3211/0003

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M16/17 Austrian Heer Double Decal Transitional Helmet Value

Hello all,

I am, totally, outside any area of personal expertise, so I really need some help and advise on the value of this helmet, please!

M16/17 Austrian Heer Double Decal Transitional Helmet

All-in-all, the helmet appears to be in pretty good shape:

- the liner is intact, showing signs of continual use (sweat stains) with some flaking on the leather

- the strap is all there, but separated by one of the buckles

- the paint has some scrapes & slight dings but there are no deep gouges or dents (visible to me) to the helmet, itself

- the decals are scuffed but still have full color & excellent legibility

Here are links to several more photos:

Thanks, in advance!!!


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Russian capture K98

this is a Russian capture K98 that i picked up at a show this past weekend
it is a Russian capture that was give to the viet cong to fight the french probly in the 50s and it was brought back by a U.S. Sgt

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Need help! what’s this for??

Hi everyone.
Could you tell me what is this?
I have no any idea...
The size is 6.25cms x 6.75cms


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Need help! what’s this for??

Hi everyone.
Could you tell me what is this?
I have no any idea…
The size is 6.25cms x 6.75cms


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German cigarette rolling papers

I bought this for a couple dollars. I'm amazed how the TR got thier mark on everything. Gary

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Us helmet question

Can anybody identify what type of US helmet this is? The sides look odd (some kind of "hinge") where strap attaches to helmet. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I cant figure it out.

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Soviet Lighter?

I recently purchased some "trench art" lighters from a fellow in Connecticut. Most of them are your everyday spent shell lighters but this on looks almost like a Zippo. I find it hard to believe the lighter itself was made by a soldier, perhaps a factory worker. There is however some sort of insignia on the front of it I don't recognize. Any input would be great.

Also, the inner part will not come free from the shell, what would be a good way to break this free?

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Prussian Mod.’89′ Rapier

Guys; thought you'd like to see. Best Hal

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Saxony Belt & Buckle

Guys, this is a set purchased from the son of the veteran many years ago, Saxon mod. 1895 buckle-W/ belt; thought you'd like to see. Best Hal.

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