Archive for February, 2010

WWII Germany Nazi Flag Double Sided 24×20

I just was recently given bunch of WWII stuff.

You guys help me out on this alot.

But need to know about the flag. I was told it was a tank flag. Its Double sided. Has some blood on it (looks like).

Size is 24×20 Inches.

Got some close up’s on the stiching. One of its sides where i think the flag was hanging on the pole is look to be torn off.

Is it the real deal? Also can i have a value on this flag?

Thanks, Neubauer

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Km ID disc.

found on auction site, is it a good one?


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Unidentified weapons parts

I found this items within a few feet, as if everything larger was collected for use as scrap metal. The pedal made me think it might have been some small AA gun, or something similar with a trigger pedal. The battlefield dates of mid-april 1945.
Any clue?

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Tropical tank suit

Hi Guys, Im looking for some help here... I am looking at purchasing this but I am unsure what I am looking at looks ok to me but I have never spent any time looking over these ...the damage looks fairly minimal and I thought they used domes rather than buttons is about the only real observation I have.. opinions please.... as to value as well. Thanks , Tim

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Question is this map case private purchase

hi gang, i suspect this map case is private purchase but i am sure i have seen a similar one before. is it a common type? cheers , mike

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Veterinary Corps Tunic 1920’s?

Guys, this was given to me by a neighbor when I lived in Phila, Pa. many years ago. He said it belonged to his uncle but could not give any pertinent information. It looks put together but this is how he handed it to me and I kept it that way. Best, Hal

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Need help! Are these medals auth or fake???

Hi All,

I know these photos are horrible, but unfortunately its all the owner can get me with their camera. I know some of you are good enough to spot a fake a mile away so I'm hoping these photos have enough detail to tell you whether or not they're authentic.

I've identified all but the crossed anchors badge, and the solid round badge so any help identifying these two is appreciated as well.

Hope you can help!


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EK1 - my previous post 02-23-2010

Hello ! Here it is ! Today I bought it and I also bought from the same person the cased EK 2 too. Both are three part constructed and magnetic iron centered. However has someone seen such kind of EK 2 case ?

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Need help! Order of the german eagle 4th class

Hi' Guys,Looking a box for the order of the german eagle 4th class.Original would be a dream!,but reproduction would be fine came up against a brick wall. please make my day!

My latest M1

Hi Guy's.

Here is my latest M1 ( arrived yesterday)

The liner is Firestone, with the A steel washers,and head band spring clips painted Olive drab. c 1943-1944, I believe.
Quite chuffed as this is the first lid I have bought that's 90% complete, therefore the nape strap is a bonus feature to me.:)

The lid it's self has no chinstrap's:weep:, which is a bummer, but I will look through my box of spares and see what I got!

It appears to have some sort of rank / marking on the front,which is silver in colour. This one is unusual to me at least, in that the bales are only temp attached, (only welded on the Middle part,the outside weld's were not attatched as far as i can work out) and has a weld spot/dimple opposite the bales,on the stainless rim.:confused::confused:

Enjoy ,any comments, observations or any more info would be great , cheers Guy's.:D

Gazcool militaria

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