Archive for November, 2009

dj fahnlein flag.

hi guys this just landed today and i wanted to show the guys here as i just love it.

it is from Jungbann 769 Alzey and is marked in ink on the rune edge ('II/769').

has the rings cut of but it doesnt bother me.

cool militaria

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Jagdpanzer IV (Sd.Kfz.162) was found in Poland

Today, almost in the center of Poznan ( Festung Posen ) was found some parts of Jagdpanzer IV.
This is sensation, because none of the sources did’t mention the participation of such vehicles in combat.

Sensacja - nowa karta w historii Poznania
Google T?umacz

Fake alert a familiar looking german lid

hiya guys

i was just looking on eBay & guess what i found this German lid with Normandy camo & why is it special well i use to own it before selling it a few months ago on....................................yes you guessed it eBay & to the person now selling it & they want alot more for it then they paid which was about £50 i think well there you go they say its a small world :D

GERMAN HELMET 64/M40 on eBay (end time 05-Dec-09 17:09:52 GMT)

& yes its def a repro but i dident have to tell you guys now did i ;)

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3 Special hats

I thought I would share with the forum members 3 very nice hats that were brought back by my father in 1945. These hats spurred me into becoming interested in the collecting of TR related militaria.

First up is the Nebel / Smoke Troop M34 hat
(the color for some reason makes the farbe look more red but for sure it is proper farbe for Nebel)

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GJ schirmmütze (without edelweiss)

Hi everyone,
I'm pleased to share with the forum this GJ officer visor cap.
It's without the edelweiss between eagle and cockade. There isn't any kind of mark inside, but it's
really particular for that kind of SB rear regulation. It retain a nice saddle shape and a beautiful “overall”.........
Warmest regards

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For sale: For sale: Uniform suit

Uniform suit, Red Army, post WW2
Condition: good
Size: big
Contact us:

Payment: only Moneybookers

Shipping from Ukraine via Airmail(12-16 business days)
The payment for shipment is flat for all world: US $25.0

who is this officer ?

i was wondering who this is. if it was possible to figure it out. i was told it probably wasn't possible.

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hj belt buckle

hi fellow collectors just got this buckle in and its my first.

whats the thoughts have i just bought a good or bad one?
i thought good as thats how i have it here.

i cant take good pics i know thats why there is a few.:o

cool militaria

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Erich Topp

Here's a bust of Erich topp I've just finished.

Wanted: Wanted Luftwaffe items pertaining to Rechlin airbase

Looking for items pertaining and marked to Rechlin, WW2 german airbase. Soldbuchs, letters, postmarks, etc. e-mail me at

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