Archive for September, 2009

HJ Feldflasche und Brotbeutel schwarz

this one i pickud up a few weeks back.
it isnt the best looking couple, but i still
love items like these

"been away for a few weeks, but finally back home"

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Sheppard Field, Texas

Picked this up a few years back. Its photos are 50/50 on military and family life. I thought the back cover was very militaria

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Very early EKII Spange Group

A few items from a group that I have, following the thread of early awards and documents. There must be earlier about. Any offers??

Also an interesting signiture on the EKII award document.

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Question SS Erkennungsmerke

I´m a bit doubtful about this one. I know the seller but still feel a bit uncertain about the authenticity of this one. Opinions welcome. Sorry about the quality of the picture

Rgds. Jan

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Another Bugel, Army?


Got this at the week end similar to the HJ that I got earlier. I haven't cleaned this one. It has what I think is a maker mark but that is all. I trying to get to grips with my new camera so when I work out the macro menu I will post markings.

I think it is Armed forces since it has no marking as such?

Any ideas?:)


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Early Infanterie Sturmabzeichen group

Another new addition,to a Geb. Jag. Not the earliest Infanterie Sturmabzeichen doc i've got but still relatively early:). Stewy S

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Legit Armband

Hi Guys.This is Vinny and I am new here and I would first like to say hello.....I collect armbands,Flags and Pennants and this is the only armband I ever purchased from a dealer about twenty years ago...I am fortunate enough that my grandfather brought back a ton of stuff from the war.....I would like to know what you guys think about this armband...It looks real to me and other people on another forum say the same....I would like any input for you guys.....Heres a few shots......

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Need Help Please WWII Uffz. Kaiser helmet

I have a german wwII helmet in good condition (personal opinion!), with the name of UFFZ. KAISER and the numbers hk064 and 2709 on the inside brim. I would like to find out what it is worth and possibly sell it. My friend's late husband brought it back from overseas many years ago and told her he (Kaiser) was a special person. If anyone has any info or interest, please let me know. Thank you for your time and assistance.

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Very late Infanterie Sturmabzeichen group

This is a new arrival. It's the latest issued Infanterie Sturmabzeichen doc i know of.
Stewy S

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Infanterie Sturmabzeichen Opinions Needed

Hello, I bought this Bronze Infantry Badge from a trusted militaria dealer. It looks good to me but when I compared it to my Silver version I noticed a slight difference in the detail of the eagle head and feathers. Can anyone advise if they see anything bad about the badge. Maker marked FLL. thanks.

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