Archive for August, 2009

Zeppelin napkin ring

opinion needed about this napkin ring !
Please !

i think is real but i am not sure ....

1930s Sterling Silver German Zeppelin Napkin Ring NR on (item 350241756188 end time 30-Aug-09 21:59:00 EDT)


Need help! Please help with info on German tunic

This is a tunic I inherited and i would like to know more about it. Thanks JH

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Question Help with info on russian tank tunic

Could someone please educate me about this russian tank tunic that I inherited. Thanks Much! JH

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Need help! Winterhilfe SS coin

Has anyone seen a SS winterhilfe 50 Groschen coin like this before? On the other side it has runes and motto with strange skulls?

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Help-Can anyone identify this visor cap badge?

A guy at work has offered this badge to me, but I have no idea what it is. It appears to be a device for a German Visor Cap. Can anyone help with the Identification of this badge; he is asking 50 bucks for it, what should I offer him?

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Kriegsmarine Medical? Whats the other

Here are two patches, What do you think


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Russian Aiircraft found in parking lot

Found this plane parked in a parking lot. Can anyone identify it?
Looked as if it was being moved and had a tire problem on the trailer and parked it.

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Russian Aircraft found in parking lot

Found this plane parked in a parking lot. Can anyone identify it?
Looked as if it was being moved and had a tire problem on the trailer and parked it.

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Can anyone i.d. This vintage uniform?

This picture was found in my grandma's attic, it is a relitive of mine, my grandma was Ukraine, so if that helps. anything someone can tell me about it would be great. thank you all.

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Army Visor Peaked NCO cap.

Hey guys, this was posted on my thread in the steel helmets section but I am reposting it here for you visor specialists to check out. Thinking about buying it for $495, wanted to get opinions, Thanks!

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