Archive for August, 2009

Tell me something about this luger

i bought this for $500 years ago from a guy at work. he said his dad brought it back from Germany after the war. i love shooting it at the range. the top half numbers are 5788 and the bottom is 6019. so its a non-matching Luger, but i just wanted one and just wanted to know anything about it.

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Question Identification needed

Some of few uniforms from a private collection. Would appreciate some comments, real or fake...etc.

Br. Geirsson

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Can anyone i.d. This vintage uniform?

this is a painting which i found in my grandma attic. can anyone tell me anything about it. thank you.

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Can anyone i.d. This vintage uniform?

this painting was found in my grandma's attic, she was from the Ukraine if that helps. thank you.

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Can anyone i.d. This vintage uniform?

this painting was found in my grandma's attic, she was from the Ukraine if that helps. thank you.

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New Britsh Army WW2 Site!

Hey all,

Yesterday (saturday) I visited a British WW2 site, and oh was it great!!! It was nicely tucked away, and I probably would never of found it had it not been for a reliable tip off from a mate! It was a bit of drive, but well worth it! cool militaria

I found a good few period peices.... a LOT more than the other site I've been visiting anyway! :confused:

Anyway..... the loot!

32 x .303 casings
1 x .30 casing
1 x .45 casing (probably from an M1A1)
1 x 9mm hollow bullet head
6 x .303 bullet heads
2 x No. 6 Mills Grenade base caps (41 & 42 dated)
3 x Mills Grenade fragments
1 x 2inch mortar cap
4 x Data plates dated 1940 (from off an ammo crate maybe?)
9 x 12 gauge shotgun bases (probably post war)

Oh, and 6 shillings! :D

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Not the best photos, but i'm pretty happy with the badge. Comments welcome.

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“German-occupied “Dakota”

Hi !

Want to show you this nice pics of a C-47, doing duty in the "Lufthansa".

This "Dakota" formerly was used in the "KLM".



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Original SS leather Visor

:) ;)

no comment need

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Original SS leather Visor

:) ;)

no comment need

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