Archive for August, 2009

Question German uniform/Afrika korps….real og fake?


What do you forum members think about this uniform? Are such uniforms rare?

Br. Geirsson

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Important! Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

Hi all

I don't know where it disappeared to but I was sure I did a thread on MDing laws and 'stickied' it !!!

Anyway, here it is again.

If anyone is aware of any changes to these laws please post a reply to update us all. I am aware that the law in FRANCE has now changed and been made even stricter than before. You can now not even obtain permission to search in certain areas and even being in possession of an MD in some regions is a criminal offence.

Anyway, here are a couple of links to MD law in European countries. If someone has a link to MD laws in USA states, please post a link.

European Laws

Detecting Law

Both appear to have the same information but in a slightly different format :D

Please be aware that laws can change at any time and you may not be aware of the changes. I would advise on checking with the appropriate authorities prior to visiting any country in Europe.

Happy hunting !

Steve T

PS One last thing. Many countries have laws pertaining to DIGGING up objects but not necessarily the use of MDs. Therefore the act of digging a hole is the bit we're interested in. Many countries have laws pertaining to the land that do NOT apply to the beach. For example France have strict laws relating to the land, but these do not apply to beaches, hence you can use an MD on a beach.

Check the law in the country you're going to to be sure. Remember that ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law !

Need help! about nskk/sa dagger

hello guys

i have been offerd this sa dagger to trade
what do you think cant find a district marking on pommel

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Adler’s Imperial collection

In 1973 I started collecting militaria. Very soon it became an addiction and it still is today. As an introduction I want to show some pictures of my Imperial collection. Sure hope the uploading gives no problems...
A first impression...

Greetings from Belgium,


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British Officers greatcoat

Hi Guys, as Frenchy was asking about greatcoats I thought it might be helpful to show one of mine.

This is a British Officers private purchase greatcoat. The quality is superb, as one would expect from a top "Savile Row" maker. Savile Row is a street in London and is still the place to buy very expensive top quality hand made garments. The company still exsits but merged with another tailors to become Gieves & Hawkes. If you fancy a suit from them today, prices start at £3,500.

The greatcoat is for an Officer in the Royal Artillery and has brass buttons with RA insignia.

The label has a inked marked "4/46". This may well be the date of April 1946. The coat has had the three rank pips of Capt, but now only has the two pips of a Lt. It is not unknown for Officers to be temporarly promoted and then be brought back down a rank.

Cheers, Ade.

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Need help! Info wanted on arm band

Another inherited item. Unfortunately I can not get the rzm tag inside to turn out in a photo. Who used these armbands SA? or party members? I would like to learn about this item.

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Question original button on this canadian army coat

I just acquire this coat and i know that after the war the soldier did cut the bottom of the coat to make a winter coat for himself .My first question is ,those big button were they original to the coat ? i am trying to find a picture of original army coat no succes...
My second question is when they were issue to soldier were they issue with patches or insigna ????

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Need help! Mape case marking… autentic ?

Hello !
I need some help here i have a Map case with some marking that when reading another thread about when it's writing made in Germany that meant it was before the end of war something like that . What is bothering me is i found on the 2 part ( the metal part who close the map case) 2 different inscription that are hard to read
Foreign Pats (or could be the word Parts)
usa Pat 1560400
Ges Ges M
Made in Germany
Inside the case is a RBN number
RBN 0/0250/0092
Now is it post war or were they using foreign parts ?
Thanks in advance

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Hello all,
does anyone have a wehrstammbuch for sale for a reasonable price?
thanks in advance

The Dangers of Battlefield Digging

We've all heard stories of the dangers of battlefield digging. Unexploded ammo, mines, etc....

As a relatively new enthusiast, i would greatly appreciate some advice on detecting and digging on battlefield sites.

many thanks gentlemen.

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