Archive for June, 2009

SS M 43 trapezoid for Feldmuetze, BeVo

Will share here some of mine SS insignia - SS M 43 trapezoid for Feldmuetze

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Panzer Overseas cap (schiffchen) Real or fake?

Hi all,

I have got a question.
I bought a few weeks ago a panzer overseas cap.
Clothing is not my speciality. I was wondering if the cap was real or a fake.
With kind regards from the Netherlands.

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Question NSKK Question

Hi guys,

I bought a lot with some nskk stuff yesterday.
In that lot was a NSKK Dogtag (erkennungsmarke)

After some searching i found that the owner was in the (luft) voluntary dutch nskk....?

I never heard of this, is this a actual this correct?

Thanks in advance guys

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Soviet Helmet?

Could someone tell me if this is a Soviet, Polish or Czech helmet, and what if possible when it was first issued. Unfortunately there are no stamps or markings of any kind.

Thanks in advance


Need ID info on German flag

I was shown a WWII German flag a young man found inthe attic of his Grandfather. I would like some ID on exactly what he has.,ie, how it was flown, usual possibilites and locations of display. It measures 30" wide by 52" long. It has heavy rope like mounting lugs on each end, and some ID numbers on that white mounting hem line, which will hopefully show up in the picture if I can get it down loaded properly. I have seen pictures of these flags many times on the history and military channels on TV, but would like any help on further descriptive applications and ID. It is in very good condition, and if he were to sell the flag what would be an approximate price.
I doubt if he is interested in selling it, but you never know.
Thanks for you help.

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Police Green Felt-Style Shako.

Guys, thought you'd like to have a look. Regards, Hal

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US fighting knives

A few blades

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Need help! Rumanian language papers, please translate!

I need to know what is written in some of the remains of documents, written in Rumanian language is there is military belonged? Thanks in advance!

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Fallschirmjager Helmet - Opinions Please.

This helmet is for being advertised for sale on a website here in New Zealand.
I am not an expert by a long way so would be happy for opinions on the originality of this helmet.
No pictures of the decal as it is allowed on the website, but apparently it has one.
Here is the link:
** FALLSCHIRMJAGER HELMET ** for sale - - New Zealand

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Stalingrad Related Grouping

Hi all,
I'm new to this forum but use the same username on various other forums.
Just thought that for my first post I would share my Stalingrad related citation grouping to a member of Infantry Rgt 577 of 305 Infantry Division. He received the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen, BWB & EK at Stalingrad during the assault on the Barrikady Gun Factory region of the city. If you look at the citation for the Wound Badge in Gold you will notice that he was injured 3 times in a 3 day period during this fighting. The EK citation is signed by Kurt Oppenlander who was replaced as Commander of 305 ID during the fighting.
Interestingly, as a quirk, you will notice that during the later fighting in Italy he was injured on a rare day - the 29th Feb!

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