Archive for June, 2009

Japanese Christmas card and photo


I have a Christmas card and photo sent from a Japanese Army Corporal to a friend in Australia.

Incase you can not clearly read what is written in the card because of picture clarity for instance, I have have typed it up for you-

2nd of jan 1941.

After 2 years dispatch to manchuria, I returnd home last October.

I am still in the army and in good health. Hoping all of your family are in the same condition.

Yours sincerely-

Seiji Koshigaki.

What do you think?

(can someone pls resize these pics, thanks)


Japanese naval Anti air shell?

I recently bought a Japanese shell from a reputable militaria dealer here and the tag stated it was japanese ww2 naval anti air shell.

Here are a couple of pictures that i took(sorry about the poor quality, i need a new cam)

There are a number of stamps, some in kanji. The stamps that are in english are-

S 9

Anyone, know what kind of shell this is? Any info would be appreciated, thanks-


(can someone pls resize these pics, thanks)

WWII Weekend at Mid Atlantic Air Museum

I wanted to post few pics from the WWII Weekend Air Show in PA. A great combination of air show & living history. These pics are from a few years ago but I'll include a link to the site. enjoy, Al


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My US Mk2 “Pineapple” Collection so far. New Pics

Hi everyone. I thought I would share some pics I took recent of my US grenade collection so far. They range from the WW1 to WWII.

They are all original correct grenades, with the exception of 2 WWI grenades, that I made & aged the missing lead plugs. See pic. The 3 early lead fuses, the 2 "cut back" and the original side swing fuse, have the correct internal parts. They are different than the M10, M6, M200A1 series.

Some of you might have seen the last picture in this post. I call it the "Wall 'o Nades"

The fellow who owns them, Jim the "G" man I call him, lives only 25 miles from me. I met him about 8-9 months ago when I started collecting WW2 grenades of all countries.

He has been Extremely helpful, and I have personally inspected all the grenades in pic. Believe it or not, their are many, many small differences in the evolution of the US "pineapple grenade"

He has been kind enough to help me with my research on US grenades, and am very grateful to him to have gained his over 40 years of collecting knowledge, in such a short period of time. Thanks Jim!!

I hope you enjoy the pics, I enjoy sharing them. This is my US collection. I have other countries to come soon. Enjoy!

Regards, Steve

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Chunka Infanterie Sturmabzeichen

I have to confess I never appreciated the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen until you guys started posting pics of your collections and acquisitions. Just wondering if you have one of these in your collection. Pulled this pic from Paul Carell's Operation Barbarossa in Photographs. Looks like some of his badge is missing. Thanks again, guys. rick

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Round insignia for SS Dagger

I was re-organizing my basement and i found this...

the small round buton that goes into the SS Daggers wooden handle / grip (is that the correct word for the piece the you hold in your hand??)

didn't even know i had this !
did sell a incomplete knife once...had fake blade, but good handle / grip and good shaft...??

what i wondered is if these are a) original? b) for the early type or late type dagger? c) if it is original what its worth (someone asked me for this a while ago)

Hope someone can help me

Thanks guys

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Lost French Pilot 1943

Unsure if this is the right category.......

Ive been trying to find out about the French Air Force involved with helping Russia's front against the Germans.

In particular

Jean De Tedesco who disappeared in aerial fight in the region of Orel July 14 1943 Normandy-Niemen regiment.

Ive been pointed in the direction of Normandie-Niemen

who have him listed, infact i need to check that they are one in the same.

Jean De Tedesco

Was this pilot or aircraft ever found?

interesting stuff with the French helping out the Russians.

Micro mark BSW Infanterie Sturmabzeichen

Another one i got from Fischer:). Stewy S

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HJ Buckle W/unusual catch.

Guys here are two aluminum HJ buckles;left buckle has an odd type catch,the right has the typical catch. Opinions welcomed. Thanks, Hal

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Wanted: Scabbard Fittings

Nickle plated scabbard fittings for the short/Police bayonet for the leather scabbard.
Pm with price.

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