Archive for April, 2009

WWII German RZM M7/49 SA Dagger

Hi, I was looking on Craigs list today just for the sake of looking and saw this WWII dagger. Im a bit skeptical as the seller wants $350 (USD) He doesnt give me any other information though, except he says its a Friedrich Herder A.S., Solingen SA dagger. He doesnt show any pictures of visable marks or stamped logos. I dont know all that much about German daggers but let me know what you guys think.

These are the pictures he provides:

Also Im trying to get my hands on my Great Grandfather's WWII stuff. My Uncle is kind of skeptical about me having it, but i want to get a glass trophy case to preserve it. Its been sitting in his basement for 60 years, decaying, and I cant let that good history go to waste. I have done some research and I know for a fact he has a German Civial Air Defense Gladiator style Helmet. If my uncle does give me his stuff ill post some pics for you guys. ;)

Wanted: 5th Inf/Jag Div

Greetings All,

I am looking for insignia,documents, photos, or anything else pertaining to the 5th Inf/Jag Division. I am specifically looking for items from the 14th Inf Reg, 56th Inf/Jag Reg, 75th Inf/Jag Reg,5th Art, 41st Art and all of the divisional subunits.

Embroidered or numbered shoulder boards, Divisional insignia, and documents top the list of aquisition.

Any help in the above is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Fred Green

Espenlaub contact


I am trying to send an e-mail to Espenlaub militaria regarding an order I made, but it keeps bouncing back to me with the following message "Blocked for SPAM".

I also tried to send it through the internal message system of their web page, but an "internal server error" appears, preventing my message to be delivered and alert them of the problem.

Does anybody know about this glitch? Is there another e-mail address to contact them and alert them?



Help with US Steel Pot

Can anyone tell me anything about the GI Helmet in this photo and what value it may have. Sorry for the bad pic it is all I have for now.

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Help with Info on German Fur Cap

I am looking for information and possible valuation on this item. German fur hat with metal insignia, Dated 1943 almost mint condition. The German fur hat is dated 1943 and maker marked on the inside, Walter Hübner, Berlin W8 Charlottenstr. 20-30 also it has some more stampings that is hard to read. Sorry about the photo it is all I have.

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Seeking information DLR sports badge

The DLR sports badge is bronze and it has the following maker marks Wernstein Jena and also it has D.R.G.M 35269. Please tell me what you know about this badge and what is a value on it. Sorry about the photo it is all I have at this time.

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Seeking information DLR sports badge

The DLR sports badge is bronze and it has the following maker marks Wernstein Jena and also it has D.R.G.M 35269. Please tell me what you know about this badge and what is a value on it. Sorry about the photo it is all I have at this time.

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Seeking information DLR sports badge

The DLR sports badge is bronze and it has the following maker marks Wernstein Jena and also it has D.R.G.M 35269. Please tell me what you know about this badge and what is a value on it. Sorry about the photo it is all I have at this time.

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Another fixed bail M1 US helmet

well Ive done it again Ive really got to stop or im not going to have any money for the bills & rent :b: anyway got this one in better condition but the guy wouldn't go any lower then £50 unfortunately no not as a good deal as the other. as this has already been messed with buy someone else im thinking about striping & repainting this as a little project & Phil no you cant have this one either :D

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my AH bust

Hi guys, just thought i would post some pics of my ah bust, i got this off a guy who got it from his gran in austria who post war used it as a doorstop so old adolf now has a boxers nose,,its made of a stone like material and weighs a ton, the white on his shoulder is a splash of paint

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