WWII German RZM M7/49 SA Dagger
Hi, I was looking on Craigs list today just for the sake of looking and saw this WWII dagger. Im a bit skeptical as the seller wants $350 (USD) He doesnt give me any other information though, except he says its a Friedrich Herder A.S., Solingen SA dagger. He doesnt show any pictures of visable marks or stamped logos. I dont know all that much about German daggers but let me know what you guys think.
These are the pictures he provides:

Also Im trying to get my hands on my Great Grandfather's WWII stuff. My Uncle is kind of skeptical about me having it, but i want to get a glass trophy case to preserve it. Its been sitting in his basement for 60 years, decaying, and I cant let that good history go to waste. I have done some research and I know for a fact he has a German Civial Air Defense Gladiator style Helmet. If my uncle does give me his stuff ill post some pics for you guys. ;)
These are the pictures he provides:

Also Im trying to get my hands on my Great Grandfather's WWII stuff. My Uncle is kind of skeptical about me having it, but i want to get a glass trophy case to preserve it. Its been sitting in his basement for 60 years, decaying, and I cant let that good history go to waste. I have done some research and I know for a fact he has a German Civial Air Defense Gladiator style Helmet. If my uncle does give me his stuff ill post some pics for you guys. ;)