Archive for March, 2009

Identification - 75mm shell

Hello everyone. Quick question: what gun/howitzer used this? It's 17 cm tall. :confused:

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Department at the Reichskanzlei…


Would there be a way to identify the department that issued this letter and the one who signed it?


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range finders

Hello everybody; new poster so please forgive if this is old/irrelevant/silly.

I have a couple of range finders and a couple of gun lining-up telescopes; I would like to know more about them, especially how, when and where they were used. How do I start looking, please?

For sale: Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter in Gold

A very nice Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter in Gold that was part of my collection for many years. I've recently began selling my civil awards so this will have to go as well.

Payments can be made by banktransfer, IBAN/Bic, PayPal or cash.

Don't forget that the price is in Euro, so that 45 Euro for this cross.


Nick VR

German Police 18 year medal bar

Excellent medal bar for an 18 year veteran of the police. The silver cross was award at 18 years; then gold at 25 years. The medal on the left is an Iron Cross II Class 1914, indicated valor in WWI. The second from left is the Hindenburg Cross indicated combat service in WWI for Germany. The one the left is the Olympic Medal for participation in the organization and operation of the games.

Hypothetically, the owner of the medal bar served in WWI as a young man, earning the EKII. After the war, like many other Germans he joined one of the police forces. In the early 1930s he received his Hindenburg Cross. Although he could have been from anywhere in Germany, I would think he served in the Prussian police so as to be called up to serve with security units or to plan security for the games. Shortly thereafter, he probably received his 18 year long service. I would guess 1938. He was approaching middle age. Perhaps he lucked out and remained with the police serving in the Reich and was not called up for occupation duty in east.

This grouping includes a black Wound Badge, a NAZI Party Badge, an Olympics support tinnie and a pair of Clejiso Handcuffs, I cannot say for sure they all belong together but it does look like they do!

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Need help! UK WW2 Airfield find (Identification)

Over the years I've found quite a few bits and peices from this site. The smaller items are included just to show the scale, they include a NAAFI cup (Ive found 8 plus a few saucers). The fired cartridges are .30 cal I think, marked just with a T and 43. An unopened anti gas salve had a few of those, an RAF badge.
I need help indentifying the large metal object, made of brass only markings are YORK and ELLAND on the base a painted E or M with a line through it. Looks like it was a pressurised container perhaps for oxygen (only guessing) size exactly 11.5 inches (29.5cm) by 3 inches (7.5cm). Of course it could be junk so your help would be appreciated.
The airfield had both RAF and later USAF flying from it with fighters and transports.
Thank You in advance.

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Are these guys Stahlhelm, or ???

These guys are an older, well fed lot. I assume since they are displaying a WW 1 flag they are Stahlhelm, or some other Vet's group. What do YOU think?

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My modest collection of German Handguns

I would like to thread my collection of German Handguns, I am starting with my Police Walther PPK Eagle C.
I also have:
cyq P38
a pair of single line ac 44 P38, matching, 22 serial numbers apart
Browning Hi Power late war
Polish VIS occupation
CZ occupation
Astra 600 from undelivered lot
all pieces are complete rigs,
let me know if any one of these interest you and I will post pics.

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Flying Fox?

Hi Guys,

Take a close look at this Wireless Operator / Air gunner of a Ju 87 Stuka taken in 1942........

Regards, Ned.

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French Avenger

What I like about this knife is the story, this knife was French Manufactured and when the Germans Took France, stores of this knife were Seized and then issued to the Waffen SS.

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