Archive for March, 2009

For sale: Soviet officer’s breeches “galife” 1955, big size.

Worn, two small sewn holes.

Fake alert Reproduction daggers database

Welcome to the Reproduction daggers database:

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Hitler Jügend dagger M6/M7 1937:

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Nick VR

Fake alert Hitler Jügend dagger M6/M7 1937

Hitler Jügend dagger M6/M7 1937

Over the years (this morning yet again) I've came accross a certain reproduction of the Hitler Jügend dagger. I want to give you a few pointers so that you won't get fooled by this reproduction.

Let me start with the dagger itself. The maker logo 'RZM' (red) is poorly etched. It's also on the wrong side of the blade. All the daggers I've seen so far had a M6 1937 marking on them, wich is offcourse incorrect (it should be M7). The one I saw this morning had an M7 1937 marking. Most likely this is an improved version of this reproduction.

The scabbard is also incorrect. You can clearly see a rim on it (yellow). This should not be there. Also the missing button (green arrow), points out that this is a modern reproduction.


Nick VR

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Named Kriegsmarine Officers dagger

Hi Guys, here is another Kriegsmarine dagger from my collection.

Sadly it has be de - Nazified, but I can live with that as it is part of the daggers history and reflects changing times and how people no longer wanted to see a swastika or be associated with it.

On the plus side, the dagger is named to the Officer who owned it. His surname was "Conrad". I have tried to undertake some research about him, but the lack of a first initial to his name has led me to a dead end on this. There were however only about 9 Officers with this name who served in the Kriegsmarine during WW2 listed on the KM Rangliste. So I just have a list of "possibles" including one who won the DKiG. One was even named Adrian!

The dagger is maker marked to Carl Eickhorn and bears the trademark used 1936 to 1941. Blade is the standard etched pattern with fouled anchor etc. The grip is white celluloid over a wood former. This has a little crack in it which is not unknown due to shrinkage etc.

Cheers, Ade.

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A smashing time at the Mess

Hi Guys, here are a few items I discovered some years ago now field walking the site of the former RAF Hednesford. These were all discovered in what was a rubbish tip. This pit consisted of broken china and bottles. My friend was lucky enought to find an unbroken RAF mug. The china is all RAF or NAAFI marked.

The two complete bottles were nice finds. The brown one, which would have been a spirts bottle, maybe Whiskey or Rum, and still has it's cork on the inside. The clear glass one is marked underneath for the world famous "HJ Heinz & Co Ltd". This could have held a sauce or pickles etc.

There is a good website where shows the base how it is today:

Staffordshire - RAF Hednesford

Cheers, Ade.

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SOS 2009 - What treasure did you find?

This was my first time to the SOS. I'd like to see some goodies that were found there. A decant Crusher was at the top of my list and I wasn't disappointed when I came across this one.

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U.S. M2 Knife remains

Thought you might like to see what is left of an M2 (? I think) knife that was carried by a U.S. serviceman on the Solomons.

The ex serviceman was recently visiting where I work and after having a long chat, he mentioned he had a knife that I might like to see that he carried in the war. I visited his home and he told me about carrying this knife on his belt and getting wounded in the thigh, it would seem that the bullet passed through the upper blade of the knife but he only had some bleeding on this leg and no "real wound, but enough for the purple heart", his words!

If you look closely at the blade you can still make out some copper colour, so it would tend to reinforce his claim that it was shot, rather than a piece of schrapnel that broke the blade. The rest of the blade apparently shattered into bits, and you can see how the handle has been bent with the force of the impact, actually breaking the cross guard as well. He kept it all these years to remember how lucky he was.

He was a truly remarkable gentleman to talk with and had great recall, he gave me the knife handle as he said non of his family were interested, which I thought very sad.



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U.S. M2 Knife remains

Thought you might like to see what is left of an M2 (? I think) knife that was carried by a U.S. serviceman on the Solomons.

The ex serviceman was recently visiting where I work and after having a long chat, he mentioned he had a knife that I might like to see that he carried in the war. I visited his home and he told me about carrying this knife on his belt and getting wounded in the thigh, it would seem that the bullet passed through the upper blade of the knife but he only had some bleeding on this leg and no "real wound, but enough for the purple heart", his words!

If you look closely at the blade you can still make out some copper colour, so it would tend to reinforce his claim that it was shot, rather than a piece of schrapnel that broke the blade. The rest of the blade apparently shattered into bits, and you can see how the handle has been bent with the force of the impact, actually breaking the cross guard as well. He kept it all these years to remember how lucky he was.

He was a truly remarkable gentleman to talk with and had great recall, he gave me the knife handle as he said non of his family were interested, which I thought very sad.



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Is this HJ knife worth it

I need to know if you guys think this Hitler youth knife is worth the price the guy is asking for it. He is asking 125 for it. He said he has had it for years. Any knowledge or input would be appreciated. I am new to collecting German stuff.

Here is a link to a pic.
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Two Buckles, Good or Bad?

My friend's new collection,
Can you send your opinion about it (fake or original?)
Thank you

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