Archive for January, 2009

Question Early numbered Youth Aviation Badge

Any info on this? Pre-war but when? Is this an award or membership pin?

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An Ssch 36

I've had this forever. Typical and complete in decent condition

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Question Need a little help

hi everyone new guy here need a little help with identifying this helmet i brought & its bugging as all my searches have come to a dead end. here's what i do know its post ww2 & the decals do not belong but that's it so please can any of you guys help put me out of my misery thanks. :D

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Soviet senior sergant field set

Mint condition

Christian Theodore Dicke

not wishing to tempt fate and add this buckle to the existing examples willy nilly, I assume this is the correct manner of construction from this maker.the striking exhibits fine detail and has evidence of wear.

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medical Oberst


I love combat tunics, but ussually they are not named. I have a weakness for named tunics. I preferr pioneer uniforms, but I could not resist this medical tunic.



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Are these German water bottles

Can anyone please identify these water bottles, I've had no luck at all, one of them is in a German felt cover and thats about as far as I've got.
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Attachment 24968

Many thanks.

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battlefield archeology

Hey check this out guys, this dude has like 20 videos on youtube and there fantastic!

YouTube - WW2 Relikte

if that doesnt work
type in



What’s that


I would like information about this set

is it civil or military

is it ww1 or ww2

@+, pegase001

Drum-major baton

Dont see these to often a PL drum major baton -


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