Archive for January, 2009

Army Signal Leutnant summer weight Tunic

An interesting Signal LT. summer weight tunic I've had for some time...since the early 90's. It was acquired at a Polish fleamarket.

All insignia are original to the tunic. It is missing a sleeveshield but the shadow is visible and can be discerned in the photo. The boards are slip on type that heve been stitched down at the shoulder.

Tunic has dagger slot under pocket flap.

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My other hobby….but still WW2 :)

Hi guys

This forum looks like the best place to put this.

I thought i'd share with you my other hobby. As a young lad I, like many others of my generation made airfix kits. At that age they tended to be covered in glue, badly painted and eventually used in a display of a crashing plane utilising some cotton wool soaked in meths and a quick launch out the bedroom window.

However, I have now taken this to an extreme and some 2 years ago decided I'd like to start building the kits again, probably due to a fear of growing old as I hit 40.

So.....I built a 4 foot by 4 foot 'diorama' in my garage and hung it off the ceiling so I could put it away when the wife was in a bad mood. It has grown over the past 2 years and had bits added to it to accommodate new models or interesting 'ruined building' kits.

It is all 1/35th scale and I thought you guys might appreciate it rather more than my wife does......she takes visitors in the garage and they all have a good laugh at the 'little kid' inside the 6ft 3in bloke asleep on the sofa. we go. Every single item was bought in kit form. Every single item on this diorama has been painted by myself....from the tanks to the sandbags to the equipment and the soldiers.....even the individual bricks on the buildings !

Quad 20mm anti aircraft gun

Tiger with actual brass 1/35th replica shell casings

1/35th replica 88mm shells


88mm with crew

MG team

Close up of a German soldier carrying a Panzerfaust and an MG34 (strong bloke :D )

Another view of the quad 20mm from the front. Please note the 'barbed wire'. I made this myself after having a brain wave in the bath one night :D :D :D

Front of a ruined garage with an squad walking past and a jeep in the doorway.

Inside the building....weapons and boxes of K rations

50cal with ammo boxes behind a sandbag emplacement

Close up of a running US marine

Opposite the ruined garage, the front of a farm house gate

An American soldier inside a temporary shelter




Hope you like the pics :D :D :D



identification of this item please. the leather portions are of the same type of leather as used on Fallschirmjager helmet straps, in quality and colour. the eyelets are aluminium.

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dated 44

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dated 44

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RAD Buckle RZM M4/24 unusual?

Hi guys,

This is my first buckle, never really thought about collecting them before but this one was going cheap so i thought why not :D. I have had a trawl over the internet and found that M4/24 was Friedrich Linden, Lüdenscheid. Around the circular center piece of my buckle it is smooth but all the ones on the net i have seen have "pimples". Also mine has a coat of old black paint (looks original) and what looks to me like dark green paint on the corner.

Can anyone explain why mine is different to the other ones i have seen?

Cheers, Donnie.


My new helmet.


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WWI Mauser Rifle (Amberg 1917)

Please look here :)


WWI Mauser Rifle (Amberg 1917)

Hello all :)

please any info for this one, I absolutely dont know what is it and how is price for it in this condition. I have any chance buy it.

Thx for all opinions and comments.

Regards Milan

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