hi,i hope i loaded these pics right.bought this from a guy in russia,inside stamped 3589 on the back and ?66 on the side.i cant make out the letter,and dont want too screw it up.what do you think?
I recently picked up this autographed post card of Lt. General Anatoly Stoessel, who was a Hero during the Boxer Rebellion, and sentenced to death for his performance a few years later during the Russo-Jap war. (His death sentence was later over-turned, and he returned to Service!) Are there any autograph collectors in this forum that can ID his signature? If you say it is not his signature at the bottom of this post card would you post his real signature? Excuse the lines, but I don't want anybody profiting from my question. Bbl (thanks)
For those of you devoted to SS headwear, this document attached is an interesting aspect of the documentary evidence one can use to defeat the faker. It is the personal file card for an SS officer, in this case the exact personality is of no account and not my theme tonight.
My point: the anal retentive collection of personal data in the SS much prized by collectors seized of the imperative of provenance.
What is significant, however, is the fact that the person's head size and shoe size are included along with much other interesting data.
Fend's cap size was 57 cms, his height was 173 cm and he wore a size 43 shoe ( as does your writer here....)
I have seen many instances where these documents have been offered for sale with a piece of regalia, only then to disprove that the piece of regalia could ever have been that of the person in question. I have two examples of my own experience that prove just such.
This uniform for this man Fend I have no data on, and I make no assessment of same. All honor and credit to Oak Leaf Militaria which includes what promise to be some interesting SS headwear. I shall leave to others a minute examination of such objects, as this is the favorite past time on other sites to eviscerate dealers and their wares. Such is not my trait.
I wanted to include this object because of its usefulness for our pursuit of old sweaty hats.
Ok, so join any detector forum and you will see pics. of 1000's of rings found on the worlds beaches, but anyone on here got any interesting military related ones they have found?
Would love to see what's out there, the story of finding it and where etc.
I would love to add a few to my collection.
Hi, as there is much interest here for metal detecting etc, might I suggest a new sub forum dealing specifically with opinions on detector equipment, different makes, best one for detecting militaria etc. Some here probably have some good suggestions for equipment settings, avoiding junk and jail.
It was interesting reading on WAF about the use of those long prodding rods for example, would never have even known they existed if it were not for that topic on digging Russia.
The forum could also have more detailed talks about laws in each country in relation to detecting and other talks about dealing with live ammo etc.
I know all this info is scattered around many discussions already, but it is difficult and time consuming to find for example there might be a great piece of info in relation to the legal situation in e.g. Italy or where-ever, but the info is on page 4 of a discussion with the title " New Helmet Found" so as I said very scattered and time consuming to find.
Any other opinions?
Bought this shell & casing quite some years ago. One of my first items i bought in fact.
Its an 88cm Flak casing & projectile
The casing is in steel I believe. And the projectile is painted green/grayish with black bottom and red/brow top (looks quite rusty in the picture). The inside is flat white.
Dont know much about it but according to a local military historian the casing is marked as fired once (see pic - circled).
What does the other markings mean?
Here is a VERY interesting foto! Cavalry men practising with their Sabres! It looks like a WW 1 foto to me. What do you think? Notice the soldier is wearing one of those rare "radio operator" helmets. Look at the emblem on the side.
Hi Everyone,
Firstly I have to say what an informative and well designed site this is.
The reason I have dropped in here is to find some answers if possible.
My late grandfather was stationed in africa during the war, and on his return brought back a german side cap. This has been in my possession for a number of years.
I would be interested to learn a little more about it, in particular the meaning of the badges and any clues to the possible rank/occupation of the original wearer. The Eagle badge is silver embroidery on dark green. The "target" is on a green diamond and the arrow is red silk.
Also, it would be helpful to know if these items have a relative value, for example, should I include it on my household insurance or are they relatively easy to replace?
many thanks in advance
Hello everyone,
I was wondering what are the laws pertaining to searching for war relics in Holland. I do know that using a metal detector is illegal. Would it be ok to dig in a forest with a small shovel? Also where are the best areas around Arnhem and Nijmegen for such searching? Thanks to everyone for your help and thanks for this wonderful website.