Archive for January, 2009

Early SS Brownshirt

The brownshirt of SS Untersturmfuhrer Fritz Kulse. Kulse, a veteran on WW1 was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class and the Wound Badge in Black.
Kulse joined the SS on 20 April, 1934. He wsa firsat stationed at SS Abschnitt XVI in Magedeberg. The following year, he was stationed in Abschnitt XVII, stationed in Munster. He was stationed to Standarte in Celle.
Kulse later was awarded the SA Sportsabzeicen in Silver and the DRL badge in Bronze. He remained at the rank of Untersturmfuhrer through the end of the war.
The brownshirt along with a pair of RZM breeches and the black tie were all obtained from a veteran who in turn took them from a closet. Ah, do only find a matching officer kepi. The badge and ribbon bar are original
to the brownshirt. These uniforms are faked using a stripped SA or HJ shirt. It is obvious that Kulse wore this item only several times as it still retains the insignia of his first posting.

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Set of luft. utensils

Picked these up a little wile back, figured i would post them, dates range from 1938 to 1941. :)

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Need help! Need some help

What do you think, these are the only pictures the seller had ,helmet is marked CKL66 # 4661

Building banner!

just picked up this banner a few days ago, seems to be real. just like to know if i am correct. the size is 12' x 7', looks to have had a tag on the stiching, buts its been riped off. thanks john

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Pilots Tunic

Here is a pilots tunic and crusher cap. The pilots badge is cloth. I picked these 2 pieces up from a vet.

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Officers signal visor

This is an officers signal visor.

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HJ Dagger

Got this at an auction about a year ago.

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Grey visor cap Real or Fake?

A gentleman has several visor caps for sale. Most of what he has is post war. His brother was supposedly part of the US Army occupation force and he remained in Germany throughout the 1950's. There is one WWII visor cap amongst them (back right) and I wanted to know what arm of the Heer the color denotes and if it is real. All of the NVA marked hats I've been finding are post war but I'm new to this.
Thanks for the help!

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ss camo?


I have been offered this camo Mutze with some damages on it,
what do you guys think about this one?thx

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Heer buckle & Luftwaffe buckle

I was bidding on a huge group of post war German hats on ebay when the auction was suddenly cancelled. There were actually 50 hats and the one WWII visor cap that I was spying had a "forbidden symbol" and ebay of course shut it down. However several weeks have past and I recieved an eamil asking if I was still interested in buying the lot. I had asked for photos of the hats band so the guy had my email. Well he sent me a bunch of pictures and told me the collection had been his brothers. He added these photos of two belt buckles. Are they real or fake?

Also thanks again for letting me know last weekend that the SS buckle was fake!

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