Early SS Brownshirt
The brownshirt of SS Untersturmfuhrer Fritz Kulse. Kulse, a veteran on WW1 was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class and the Wound Badge in Black.
Kulse joined the SS on 20 April, 1934. He wsa firsat stationed at SS Abschnitt XVI in Magedeberg. The following year, he was stationed in Abschnitt XVII, stationed in Munster. He was stationed to Standarte in Celle.
Kulse later was awarded the SA Sportsabzeicen in Silver and the DRL badge in Bronze. He remained at the rank of Untersturmfuhrer through the end of the war.
The brownshirt along with a pair of RZM breeches and the black tie were all obtained from a veteran who in turn took them from a closet. Ah, do only find a matching officer kepi. The badge and ribbon bar are original
to the brownshirt. These uniforms are faked using a stripped SA or HJ shirt. It is obvious that Kulse wore this item only several times as it still retains the insignia of his first posting.
Kulse joined the SS on 20 April, 1934. He wsa firsat stationed at SS Abschnitt XVI in Magedeberg. The following year, he was stationed in Abschnitt XVII, stationed in Munster. He was stationed to Standarte in Celle.
Kulse later was awarded the SA Sportsabzeicen in Silver and the DRL badge in Bronze. He remained at the rank of Untersturmfuhrer through the end of the war.
The brownshirt along with a pair of RZM breeches and the black tie were all obtained from a veteran who in turn took them from a closet. Ah, do only find a matching officer kepi. The badge and ribbon bar are original
to the brownshirt. These uniforms are faked using a stripped SA or HJ shirt. It is obvious that Kulse wore this item only several times as it still retains the insignia of his first posting.