Archive for October, 2008

Opinions on SD heer helmet

Hi i am new to the forum and would just like to say hi,
also i would value your opnions on this helmet as i am looking to purchase it for my collection, what do you guys think ?



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Ss sturmbahnfuhrer otto skorzeny lived past 1975?

I have some very curious news to report about SS Colonel/Major General Otto Skorzeny! Most people think he died of lung cancer in 1975 in Madrid, where he lived and ran not only Odessa (hence my name) but an engineering firm. Now comes some news about Otto. A friend of mine who lives in Munich tells me that the CIA got Otto some plastic surgery, and faked his death, and he lived (somewhere, my friend did not elaborate) until 2004. Now he is dead for sure! Has anybody ever heard this story before? It sounds like BS to me, but hey - when it comes to the Govt. you just never know! I would welcome some concrete news one way or another- like an autopsy report! :shok_yikes:

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Early RAD Hewer

You got to love these early RAD Hewers with the full stage horn grip - only maker that I know of was Eickhorn and for a very short period after that all RAD Hewers had the grip only in stage and the top point/nose in metal, had to save that stage horn.


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17701  17702  

Question jump smock on HBT

Hello friends,

I saw some german dealers offering fallschirmjaeger tan and water jump smocks made of HBT cotton .As I have never found any info about it in the books I would like to ask some of you to get more info about it.

thanks a lot

Stalingrad dug M35dd

Hello Friends,

I would like to share with you my newest relic helmet. It came from a friend of mine in Volgograd. It was dug from former battle area there. This helmet has battle damage and the early aluminum liner band. With DD remains as well. Way neat lid.


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17679  17680  

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17685  17686  

17687  17688  

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17699  17700  

Can anyone tell me (approx)what this is worth?

It is my understanding that this is a SA Wound Badge. I have never seen another, so they must be rarer than a regular SA badge. So what is it worth is USD, or EUROS?

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Can anyone tell me (approx)what this is worth?

It is my understanding that this is a SA Wound Badge. I have never seen another, so they must be rarer than a regular SA badge. So what is it worth is USD, or EUROS? I have attached part of Sawicki's definitive book about Nazi medals which I have used for OVER 50 years. Who is right? Somebody said it was missing the catch. It is NOT missing the catch. I have attached yet another foto (the small one) shoiwing the catch. I agree with you, Mike, you have to use your imagination to see the catch in the large foto. But it is there!

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17676  17703  

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Info on this button requested, please

Does anybody have an idea what branch of the NSDAP this button represents? Your help will be much appreciated.

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Ss mc foto - translation requested

Is there anybody out there that can tell me what this says - on the back of this nice foto? Notice the SS on the front fender! Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks

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17671  17672  

Question War bonds lighters World war two lighters

Does anyone know if these used to be some kind of war posters or
something? Wholesale Lighters From Wholesaler Distributor - FREE SHIPPING
Were these sayings on these lighters actually used in war times?

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