They offer here for a helmet stand made in manual labour.
Very good quality!!! The state kind size b.z.w. Height amounts to 18 cm.
If requested other dimensions are also available of course! Visit also our other auctions!!!
They offer here only for the helmet stand not on the helmet
This is a nice anti-air defense ausweis used at a facility using inmates from the Oranienburg concentration camp. So it seems that also non-SS personnel where active in camp facilities too, did not know that.
This bag I found in China and it might be WWII era. I took some scans of the writings on it, but can anyone identify the unit or where it was used/made?
I screwed up this pic on another site... machine gun fire with tracer ricochet at the ludendorf bridge. 164 combat engineers march 1945.
have many pics taken by hitler paparazzi(Hoffman).
Thanks for looking.
The Berlin government has given the go-ahead for a memorial designed by a Scandinavian artist-duo in central Berlin commemorating thousands of homosexuals persecuted by Nazi Germany.In addition to the famous Holocaust monument -- consisting of a field of cement slabs -- to Europe's murdered Jews in downtown Berlin, the German capital will in the future be the location to another memorial to Nazi victims.Designed by a Norwegian-Danish artist-duo, the memorial will remember the tens of thousands of homosexuals persecuted and killed by Hitler's regime.