Archive for June, 2009

Eifel Region

A recent visit to the Hurtgen revealed a strip of German MG belt just visible in a stream and the remains of an American cold weather overboot. The forest is a beautiful but eerie environrment and one cant imagine what it must have been like for the soldiers that fought there in Sep -Feb 44/45.

If anyone is interested a local guide Bernie Henklemann can arrange guided tours of the battlefield. He is an excellent authority on the subject and probably one of the leading SMEs on the Hurtgen battle

Rgds John

Need help! Arisaka Rifle

Hey, I know almost nothing about guns, but the rest of my family are kind of into guns.

We have this old Japanese rifle in our safe that I'm assuming is from WW2, and what I do know about it is, that it's an Arisaka and the serial number is 54632.

If anyone knows the exact model of this gun or what year it was possibly made in or even what it's worth please let me know, thanks.

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collectibiles found

I have found collectibles various places. Last year I found a brass B-24 ashtray.
It was a great find, since I'm a B-24 guy. I found it at a booth a lady had for misc. items at an old car swap meet. She had it listed for $18.00 and I got her down to $15.00. I would have paid much more for it, but bargining is bargining.
The B-24 is an early model, patterned after that which was used early on by the British. There are no markings on it, and I left the original(as found) patina finish on it rather than attempting any polishing.
Needless to say I was as happy as a kid in a candy store

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Need help! SA Dagger

I our an SA Dagger that my Uncle brought back. I am trying to identify it origin. The maker mark is a circle with the words AESCULAP and TUTTLINGEN around the circle. Inside the circle appears to be a flagpole with a snake wrapped around it. There is a crown on top of the flag pole. There is an "SW" stamped on the crossguard.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Tom S

Need help! SA Dagger

I our an SA Dagger that my Uncle brought back. I am trying to identify it origin. The maker mark is a circle with the words AESCULAP and TUTTLINGEN around the circle. Inside the circle appears to be a flagpole with a snake wrapped around it. There is a crown on top of the flag pole. There is an "SW" stamped on the crossguard.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Tom S

FS daggers

a couple #2s and some #3s

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Sa and Heer daggers

RZM M.7/62/38 and FW Holler.

Nothing special, plenty of age spots.

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M-40 SD Luft-WO/Liner.

Guys, thought you'd like to have a look. Regards, Hal

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Question BDM District Patch Pommern

The stitching on this sleeve looks more refined than any of the district sleeve patches that I have seen. How does it look to you?

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Along the Saar

Hello everybody, I would like to show you some pictures of some finds me and my friends did during the last two months in the Saarland in Germany. It isn't quite comparable to the topics I have seen here but for the ones who are interested :).

All the finds are done in the Saar-Moselle triangle. This is one of my particular area's of interest and I have spent many research on the positions and whereabouts.

This German canteen was a surface find.

These are pressure plates for US anti-tankmines. The minefield was cleared some time ago.

But some were dumped nearby after deactivation.

Also we found two US pineapple grenades which had been emptied a long time ago too.

My avatar :) .

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